On-Site Magazine

PCA: “Pipeline major setback for Canadians”

By PCA   

Construction PCA pipeline Trans Mountain Pipeline

The BC government’s latest efforts to thwart expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline are not in the best interests of British Columbians or Canadians, according to the Progressive Contractors Association of Canada (PCA).

“It’s disappointing when a government shows little respect for Canada’s democratic, regulatory approvals process and the rule of law,” said Paul de Jong, president of the Progressive Contractors Association of Canada. “When a project meets the approval of the NEB, three levels of government and still can’t move forward, all Canadians pay the price.”

The BC government has said it will not allow work to begin as scheduled next month until all environmental management plans are accepted and consultations with Indigenous people are complete. The government has also hired outside counsel to explore its legal options.

“This government will have to answer to thousands of skilled BC tradespeople who are ready and eager to work on the Trans Mountain pipeline,” added de Jong. “Stalling jobs, jeopardizing billions in economic benefits and undermining investor confidence is not the way to go about protecting BC or Canada’s interests.”


 SOURCE Progressive Contractors Association of Canada


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